Here is the link to register for training:

Training 2024

Convention Scholarship Applications Available Now

Linked below are application forms for Twenty-Fourth District PTA’s convention scholarship for the 2024 California State PTA Convention.

Up to four $250 scholarships will be awarded by District PTA for our local leaders to use to attend the convention being held in Ontario, CA from May 3-5, 2024. Note that scholarships MAY be used for part-time attendance. Please see the scholarship application for more information about what it may be used for and the reporting requirements for recipients. You can find more information about the convention itself here:

Scholarship applications are due no later than midnight Pacific time on Friday, March 15th and may be emailed to If you have any questions, need additional information, or are unable to return your application via email, please reach out to Melinda Kirkland, VP of Leadership at or to Lauren Madonna, District President at, for assistance.

Lunch & Learn

Grab your lunch and join us (virtually) to learn more about PTA and your role in it and get your pressing questions answered! Our first Lunch & Learn meeting with 24th District PTA officers via Zoom will be tomorrow (Friday) September 29th from 11:30am – 12:30pm. Check your email for the link or contact for an invitation.

Form is in Unit Resources

Upcoming events

Nov Assoc Meeting

100 Members

Resources for PTA Leaders!

Are you a new officer looking for more information? Did you miss the District Training in May? Take a look at this Resource Guide for PTA Leaders in San Luis Obispo County. It’s full of links to handy information!  Still have questions or need more help? Visit the Board Directory Tab for contact information for all Twenty-Fourth District PTA officers; we’re here to help you!

Reflections Art Contest