Category Archives: Uncategorized

Resources for PTA Leaders!

Are you a new officer looking for more information? Did you miss the District Training in May? Take a look at this Resource Guide for PTA Leaders in San Luis Obispo County. It’s full of links to handy information!  Still have questions or need more help? Visit the Board Directory Tab for contact information for all Twenty-Fourth District PTA officers; we’re here to help you!

Reflections Art Contest

Visit the CAPTA Blog

Teleconferencing Tips



As we continue to shelter in place, teleconferencing and video conferencing have become the default medium for connecting with anyone outside our own homes: friends, family, teachers and our PTA community.

To help you navigate all the tools, programs, processes and platforms that allow us to connect “virtually,” let us guide you to some resources:

  • On the COVID-19 Resources for PTA Leaders page on the California State PTA website there are valuable sections on Teleconferencing Guidelines, Frequently Asked Questions for Meetings Via Teleconference, and a list of Teleconferencing and Video Conferencing Tools.
  • On April 2 we hosted a one-hour webinar titled “Tools and Best Practices for Virtual Meetings” where we discussed how to manage audio calls, teleconferences, and video conferences for maximum success and effectiveness during these challenging times. If you were not able to attend, you can watch a recording of the webinar by clicking here; alternatively you can download a copy of the presentation from the webinar by clicking here.